Wednesday 23 October 2013

Thriller- initial ideas

In this lesson I came up with some ideas about my thriller sub-genre which is crime.

  • Narrative- actual or possible crime and attempts to solve the crime
  • Iconography- photographs of missing person, maps, police?
  • Characters- teenage girl (missing person?) 
  • Setting- urban settings (alleyways, streets)
  • Style- dark lighting, flashes, silhouettes 

Thursday 17 October 2013

The Art of Storyboarding

      What is the purpose?

• helps manage timing of production
• opportunity for problem solving - and saves money
• portrays basic idea of the production
• illustrates to others how the final product is seen
• helps clarify a vision to the rest of the production team
• used to sell an idea to a client

    What should it contain?

  • shot duration
  • shot number
  • camera movement
  • sounds involved in that shot